
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Remodel Day 77 - 4/20/2011

OK - a little more on the roof......WAIT!!!!  Don't close down your browser yet!!!  It gets better....PROMISE!

Today's work began inside the house in preparation for future roofing work.  See that large piece of wood in the upper left of the picture?  That is a header that will frame out the addition (the front of the house) and will lead into the family room (the existing party of the house).  It also serves to connect the old roofing to the new roofing.  Truthfully, I'm not sure how that all happens, but that's what Rob told me so I'm writing it here.  I'm just trying to pique your interest again after so many boring days of roofing. 

Here's another angle of the same area.  This will be the view when you walk into the house - except it will be open and you will see out to the backyard and pool.  It should be cool.  Right now you see a temporary wall in the background.  Rob the contractor (hey.....I should call him Rob the builder!) built that temp wall to keep us protected from all of the construction dust and to serve as a barrier from the outside.  It makes me feel safer having it up. 

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