
Monday, June 8, 2009

What's Next?

My daughter's softball coach uses a phrase "What's next?" when he is running a practice. He says this to try to teach the girls to survey the baseball diamond to observe the players around them and to determine where the next play might occur. So.....I find myself in a similar position of asking myself "What's next?"

OK - let me back up and explain. The last 8 1/2 years of my life has been all about my children. And I have lots of them. Don't get me wrong I feel very blessed to have all of them and I wouldn't change a thing. But basically I've been on call 24/7 for quite some time. This coming September my youngest (Henry who is 2 1/2) will be starting preschool and I will have 3 mornings a week ......
ALL ALONE!!!!!!!

Just the thought of it makes me tremble with excitement and anticipation of what it will bring. Now I know it won't be that much time.....but right now I'll take anything. And I'm left with the question - "What can I do with that time and how can I use it well?" For those well acquainted with me, you know I will have no problem filling that time. I'm great at keeping myself busy. I'm great at volunteering to help you, or the elementary school or any number of random projects that ask me to pitch in.
But I want to do things differently now. I want to use that time to do something that I enjoy and makes me happy. But I find myself asking the question......what DO I like to do? and I have to say the answer is "I have NO idea what I like to do". I mentioned this to some friends of mine that I spent time wtih this weekend. Their response was just to start writing about this now while I am exploring this idea, instead of writing about my findings after the fact. So here is my list (you know I can't resist a list) of possibilities. Who knows what will come of it.
  • Reconnect with my body which has been out "on loan" to my children for many years.
  • Establish a regular work out routine that will make me strong and center me before the activities of my day take over.
  • Find more meetings to attend.
  • Learn to play the piano
  • Get a great camera and learn to use it.
  • Organize my photos and create photo albums
  • Learn to use my video editing software
  • Spend time with my husband and remind myself that I used to like him.
  • Make a special birthday present in video for my husband with our family photos
  • Spend more time with my friends.
  • Decorate my house so I feel comfortable in my own home.
  • Work on our remodelling plans with a clear head letting go of the final result.
Any ideas? Let me know! And I'll keep you posted!