
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Remodel Day 141 - 6/23/2011 (part 1 of 3)

Just a heads up.  This is a very long post today. 
There was SO much going on that I actually split it up into 3 parts and it still left me with a very long post.  So hang on.....because it's


No, not moving IN day.  Another moving OUT day. 
Today we move out of the family room and into the garage. 
So if you follow along, I'll show you how the day went. 

So here's how we started the day. 
Everyone stretched out in their sleeping bags in the
soon to be demo'd family room.

And we started to clear out the room. 
All of the furniture is being piled up in the backyard. 

And we said our "good-byes" to the temp wall that also served as our guest book.  Thanks to everyone that stopped by to sign it!

And the carpet is being pulled up. 
After 8 years, 4 kids, 2 cats and a dog, I think it should be taken directly to the Hazardous Material drop off.  I don't even want to venture a guess as to how much food, poop and pee is in that carpet. 


Also take a look at that beautiful (?) white shiny tile on the floor.  It was there when we moved in.  It was slippery not to mention ugly.  So we just carpeted over it.  I think it is directly responsible for the reason it took Emily so long to walk.  Everytime she tried she would slip.  We ended up putting in the carpeting just before the twins were born.  It made her very happy.

And here is where we are moving into.  The garage.  The prior owners had converted the back half of the garage into a studio apartment. 
It has a full kitchen and shower in it.  So to be fair, things could be worse.......considering we are living in the GARAGE!

I'll use those brown shelves as my pantry and the blue couch in the background converts into a bed.  The girls have already called dibs on it.


Here is the jumbled mess of cords that makes up our entertainment system.  We are supposedly labelling them so that we can hook everything up again. 
I am somewhat skeptical as to our future success at this endevour. 
I think I'll be calling in the professionals. 

And now for the big reveal......drum roll please......

The temp wall is officially coming down. 
I wish I had taken a picture of Tom's face while this was happening. 
He's been waiting to see what the view will be like with great anticipation. 

 A little more being removed ........

And more.........

Down to the studs.......

Here's the view we will have of the family room from the great room.

And if that was not exciting enough, the tile floor is being removed.  Yay!

This was Henry's favorite part.  The jack hammer being used to chip out the tile. 
Suffice it to say it was NOT my favorite part.  I still have a headache. 

Here's the view from the front door.

And a view of the great room.

And a reverse view looking from the back of the house to the front. 
Can you tell Tom was excited? 
I have about 200 pictures he has taken today.

Stay tuned for part 2......


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