
Monday, June 6, 2011

Remodel Day 124 - 6/6/2011

Today the first phases of the stucco began.  Rob has been talking about "wrapping" the house for some time.  I would smile politely and nod when he mentioned it.  In truth I had NO idea what he was talking about.  So now, here it is.  The wrapping of the house has begun. 

Today is the first of a 6 phase process for putting up stucco.
Step 1: Run wiring around the house.
Step 2: Apply black paper
Step 3: Add wire screen (kind of looks like chicken wire).
Step 4: Apply scratch coat
Step 5: Apply brown coat
Step 6: Apply final stucco coat with Spanish lace design.

Today steps 1 thru 3 were completed today.

Step 1 starts with the lath (rhymes with bath).  That is the metal wire that is wrapped around the house.

Steps 2 and 3 involve wrapping the  exterior walls of the house with a weather resistant black paper similar to roofing paper. The purpose of the black paper is to create a back-up weather resistant membrane just in case any water gets past the stucco. Next, a metal woven wire (looks like chicken wire) is installed over the black paper. The purpose of the woven wire is to support the newly applied wet stucco until it can dry.


Here's how it looked at the end of the day.

Stay tuned.......

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