
Monday, June 20, 2011

Remodel Day 138 - 6/20/2011

The electrical work continues but there is nothing very exciting to report.  The  wiring is being run so we can put lights into the closets and the fire alarms are being installed. 

Here's what it looks like.  Not too exciting....

So instead of a boring post, I've decided to mix things up a little....and present my "Homage to Dust". 

There is dust EVERYWHERE.  I remember when our friends the Jessens were doing their remodel and Nicole was telling me how much dust was in her house.  I smiled politely and nodded, not understanding the gravity of her statement.  Until now that is.  I finally understand.  There is dust in the bathroom, on every surface, inside my shoes......literally and without exaggeration.....everywhere.  So with that said.....I present to you.....

My Homage to Dust

Dust on the lamps

Dust on the piano

Dust on the tables

Dust on the carpet.  But the carpet is going away, so I guess this one is ok.

And dust on the kids. 
Actually, Catie wanted to join in on the dust documentary
so I thought she should get some recognition for her assistance. 

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