
Tuesday, January 6, 2009


My friend Cindy sent me an invitation to play her in Scrabble online on Facebook. Seems harmless enough - right? Not so fast.....

I don't do ANYTHING a little....whether it's work, exercise or the preschool bake sale. I do everything to to annihilate. And here I am in the arena that I feel most comfortable in - academics. I was never a great success in the social, sports or relationship areas, but put me in school and I feel at home. Remember that nerdy chubby kid with glasses that sat in the front of the class and raised their hand to do extra credit? Yea - that was me. Ok - back to the main story....

When I got the invitation I thought "Scrabble?!?!?! Yea! That sounds like fun." But soon after, that thought was followed by the stirrings of my inner gladiator.

"Huh?!?! Scrabble! Bring it on!" says gladiator me. "OK" says rational me. "She's your friend, now be nice".
"Yea, yea", says gladiator me. "Let's play!"

I play my first word. 22 points! I am impressed with myself. More importantly I wonder if Cindy will be impressed with me. I also wonder who else I can tell, so they too can be impressed with me. All in all I am enjoying using my brain for something other than remembering when I need to go to Gymboree or all of the words to the theme song for "Go Diego Go!".

Cindy takes her turn and things are going well......but......and you knew there would be a but.....I notice my scores are diminishing. OK - no problem. I'm just getting warmed up I tell myself.

Then it happens - Cindy's next turn gives her a 28 point word! Hey ......what the $%&*$&%*?!?!?! How did she do that?? OK - now she has my full attention. "Step it up" says inner gladiator. "Relax" says rational me. "Shut up" says inner gladiator.

I keep trying to play bigger words with more points. I am not succeeding. She is kicking my butt. It's OK - I tell myself. Then I think - now let's be fair - shouldn't this game be handicapped? I am a tired mother of 4 - surely I deserve some sympathy points. After all it's much harder for me to use my brain. Right? Right!

I decide against asking Cindy for sympathy points. I keep playing my pathetic 8 point words. Cindy continues to kick my butt. I decide to take a look at the other Scrabble games I am playing online - also against other mothers in my neighborhood. I take solace in the fact that I can win against other sleep deprived women. I am kicking THEIR butts. OK - in truth I am only kicking ONE person's butt, but I am enjoying it.

I give the game one last push. It's 11:45pm at night. I don't want to play the word "IT". But I'm so tired I can't think of anything else to spell. I contemplate looking for other dictionaries online that will support my use of the word ROOMATE spelled with one M. I do not succeed. OK I tell myself, just play the stupid word and go to bed. I can't do it. I hear inner gladiator? "Are you sure you want to play that word?" "Yes" says rational me. "You suck" says inner gladiator. "Shut up" says rational me.

The rest of the game goes well. I succumb to the fact that Cindy is smart and a good Scrabble player. Rational me says "Send her a message and tell her Good Game!". "You suck" says inner gladiator. "Shut up" says rational me.

So what's my Cupcake's lesson learned here? It's not always about winning. Learn to be grateful for the beautiful smart women I have in my life that give me opportunities to take a little time for me and play.

GOOD GAME CINDY!!! says rational me. (GRRRRRR....says gladiator me. I'll be back.....)


Cindy Faith Swain said...

You're right, I howled! Thanks for that deep chuckle. I have a blog too,


gottago said...

Neither you Alima, nor you Cindy, know what a good Scrabble player is until you play ME. Or my sister Leila. I grew up playing Scrabble with the same do or die attitudes you both seem to have.
When I quit smoking, I quit playing Scrabble.
Smoking really makes one so much better at Scrabble in case you don't know this.
Ah, the good old days. Cigarettes and drinks, a little Scrabble and MEN.

akvirtue said...

Hey Cindy - sounds like Linda is challenging us to a scrabble-off.

Katya said...

Oh you should play ME! You would kick my culo (butt in spanish). In school we were opposites. I was the tomboy who was great in sports, dyslexic and sat next to you and threatened you if you didn't show me your answers to the test we were taking. I can't spell for crap!!!

akvirtue said...

ok - now you're scaring me. i lived in fear of those girls.

Katya said...

OH No - it's great to have girls like me in your corner. It's like having your own personal pit-bull. :-)