
Friday, January 9, 2009


I've had an annoying day.

  • I waited around for the cable company today to get some wires moved. They couldn't do it and there our new TV sits still not set up.
  • I think my laundry piles multiply at night when I am sleeping. They just sit there mocking me.
  • The technology in my home that is supposed to be making my life easier takes up more time than I can believe just trying to troubleshoot why it's not doing what I want.
  • The pile of paperwork that needs to be filed just keeps getting bigger. I'm considering throwing in the towel and just inviting people over to make a big bonfire with it and roasting marshmallows.
  • The continual loop I live in of picking up after 4 children is not helping my mood.

So, this is normal - right? I've got a full life, a full house and 4 young children. I'm not supposed to get a lot done in a day - right? Can other people just step over their piles and have a good day? I cannot. I border on the compulsive about having myself and my home organized. I can't deal with clutter and unresolved issues. I could go on and on about how much I have to do in a day, but I'll spare you.

But I need to get back to that question I just asked myself. Who are those people who can step over the piles (and as I've been told - there will always be piles) and how do they do it?

Balance - something which I've not had lately. I've been eating terribly. I haven't been exercising. I need to admit this at a public level. I've been on and off my food and exercise commitment for months. I hate admitting defeat. I don't like looking bad.

So here I am. The good the bad and the ugly. It's not a funny post. It's not an uplifting post. It's just me and where I am.

Cupcake's lesson learned? Priorities. When I take time for me, I have time and compassion for you. I can jump over the piles and still enjoy my day. I've got alot of work to do...... and a lot of chocolate to get rid of.


Katya said...

Oh my friend......come over to our secret society within the secret society.......the foodies are waiting for you to join us to freedom.

PS - I love the way you write!!!

gottago said...

Your day seems normal to me. I relate to not understanding people who can live with the piles.

What I want to know is how did you make those neat little bullets? Why is it that little things like cute bullets get me so excited and keep me so distracted? Gee, maybe I could try to figure out how you made them since we both use blogger. But it's 11pm and I'm not into going to bed at 2am or 3am tonight.

Thanks for blogging and the distraction from studying Scott Kelby's new Photoshop CS4 book!

Tasty's Big Butt said...

OMG.The piles in my house too! I am an obsessive organizer. Guerin has me on restriction for buying things that will organize one more thing. But, lets get to the intriguing part...those bullets. How did you make those? I LOVE the cupcake lesson. I'm going to right them down daily (or as they come up) for mediation.

Unknown said...

you may not think it's a funny post, but i sure do! xoxo

Cindy Faith said...

you may not think it a funny post, but i sure do! how do people live with their piles?

akvirtue said...

I wish I could take credit for the bullets, but I can't. It came with the font - try Trebuchet. If that doesn't work it might just be the template I chose. I'm not too sure about this - i'm pretty new to this. If I figure anything else out I'll let you know.